We had a great time with our friends Jesse and Charmayne....they are members of the United Horsemen's Association here in Virginia and had several members competing in various events.
This relay, in particular, was exciting to watch. A team of 4 riders performed a sort of 4x4 relay around the arena, passing the baton after each pass...several teams had penalties for passing the baton at the wrong location or dropping it altogether...they were going FAST.....take a look closely at the rider in front....they were all sorts of crazy and obviously having a ton of fun....

Here's that same rider after he got that baton...look at him go...faster than green grass through a goose!

We made it there in time to see the current world champion make a run at steer undecorating, some steer wrestling, barrel racing, bronc and bull riding too! The rodeo staff was spot on and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves immensely...I know we were!
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