December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

...from the Virginia Roehls.

This was a year of family firsts and fabulous memories!

Randi got her own 'twin'....

Ginger got her first winter jacket...

...and Boomer got a replacement....not looking too shabby for a 16 year old cow dog, eh?

I got my first pair of adult footy-jammies....and the punks LOVED my monkey feet!

The punks endured their very first Christmas....

....tasting every single gift they opened.

CJ was particularly fond of his Daddy's toys.....

All in all they had a blast and are thoroughly exhausted after a whole day of fun and play.....even though they have their 'naughty' pants on, they were angels all day! I think they like this thing called Christmas.

Randi wrapped her first gift ALL BY HERSELF! It was a tie she bought for her Daddy.

She did a pretty good job for not being allowed to watch us wrap anything....

She owned that fussy tape dispenser!

...believe it or not, she does a better job of wrapping than her Daddy! :)

I took some video of the kids opening Santa's presents.....hoping it helps you feel a little closer to us over the distance....enjoy!

Happy Holidays,

The Roehls, I have not taken up chain smoking...I sound like a man because I am is that time of year again!