April 03, 2012

Goodbye, Friend....

1995 ~ 2012


Born a dog. Died a gentleman.

To call him a dog doesn't do him justice, though he had four legs, a tail, and barked. To those who knew him well, he was a perfect gentleman. In attempting to explain to Randi the harsh reality of death amongst pets, I told her that if you have a pet, you will most likely outlive it; to get any pet is to open yourself to profound joy and to equally profound sadness. Today is a day of great sadness in our family.

I couldn't have asked for a better best good friend in you, Boomer....thank you for all the good times and endless golden memories...you are carrying away with you so many years of my life...of our life together. I can't thank you enough for the unconditional love you gave to me and the family we built together....we'll see you in heaven, buddy...I can picture you now; running fast, pain free....


Kate Hiller said...

Oh Leah...I am so sorry!
He was with you through so much.
We are sending our love and hugs, The Hillers