May 31, 2010

My Dad, My Hero...

I never knew my father, but know he served this nation unselfishly as a Navy Seal......he succumbed to cancer following exposure during his active duty to Agent Orange when I was barely one. When I find it difficult to accept his sacrifice, and the void it has left in my life, I just pause to think of all the others who have endured...and all those who will...and find solace in the fact I am the daughter of a thoughts and prayers are with all our service men and and always...lest we forget.


Kate Hiller said...

Your post showed me what Memorial Day is all about...I thank the Lord for brave men like your dad.

He certainly would be proud of his girl....there isn't a braver one out there!

ZimaLuv said...

That's beautiful

and I'm sorry you never knew your dad... ,Me and my family we're really close, and I could no imagine a life without my dad. At least you have a Hero in the stars keeping his eyes on you...