February 08, 2010

Update from the depths of the Historic 2010 East Coast Blizzard!

Yes, we were hit pretty hard.
Yes, we lost power...Saturday morning, to be exact.
Yes, we are still holding down the fort on battery and generator power.
Yes, WE really means JR, cuz the Little Brat and I are sick and completely unhelpful.
Yes, it's cold...very, very cold.
Yes, our living conditions have grown 'interesting' without running water.
Yes, it is similar to camping....in Alaska maybe.
Yes, I ran like a sissy to work today and am posting from there...
Yes, I'll post pics as soon as we get back online!

PS...Yes, we have even more snow forecasted before the end of this week. Please send warm thoughts...and heaters....

Happy Never-Ending-Winter,
The Roehl Family