February 20, 2010

Woe is me!

Can you see the tragedy in this image?


Marta said...

Funny! I'm guessing that flip flops do not work all that great with snow still on the ground?!?

John and Leah Roehl said...

Marta: I am soooooo looking forward to flip-flop weather!

Joan Kennedy said...

Looks like you can barely see your feet these days, much less bend over to tie your shoes. Say, isn't it about time for your 8-month belly picture?

John and Leah Roehl said...

Joan: I am overdue for my 8 month gutt shot! Gonna try to set one up tonight or tomorrow...will post next week because I have another ultrasound scheduled for Monday too...I'll have lots of new pics to post! Let me assure you, I am large...very very large...fat, fluffy, chunky, and bulbous too...it's hard to imagine a body can be made to stretch to these proportions without splitting in half~ I've definately entered the uncomfortable stage...and did I mention I'm huge? sigh...