August 14, 2011

Martin Update...Stifle or Abcess?

Martin is one HIGH MAINTENANCE horse. That is a FACT! In a previous post I shared his 'sensitivity' to the heat...and before that it was all about thrush and sheered heels....Well, about 2 weeks ago I pulled him out from in front of his fans to turn him out in his field to graze overnight and lo-and-behold he was 3-legged. He appeared to have an issue with his rear left stifle...he wouldn't hardly put any weight on it at all! I opted to keep him stalled and adopt the 'wait-and-see' approach....approximately 5 days later, he was walking fine again....with that, I resumed his regular evening turnout schedule....however, about 3 days later he came up 3-legged again. ARGH!

For the past week he's been stalled again....waiting to see if something would 'pop' back into place or if he'd need to make a trip to the vet for an assessment....then along came our wonderful farrier, Dana Stewart, yesterday and busted this case WIDE OPEN for us....LITERALLY!

As I was explaining to Dana how tragic it was that we may be dealing with a general breakdown in health and soundness due to his age, she pulled out her hoof testers.....As she found soreness in his toe area, I explained that his toe is the only thing he'd put weight on for almost 2 that was understandable! Then she whipped out her blade 'just to be sure' he didn't have anything going on in that toe area and whadayaknow? ABSCESS!!!!

It was only a couple months ago that he abscessed out of his front right foot at the coronet of the largest blowouts I've ever seen! Now this....well, at least it wasn't a stifle injury!

So, now we wrap and wait....and when he's sound again he goes out indefinitely in a grassy paddock where the footing is most conducive to his poor wittle footsie wootsies.....the rocks in the paddock by the creek apparently aren't working for him....we have learned that with soles as thin as his, he needs some special considerations. No problem big guy....consider it done!

On a side note, he has started sweating again....and with the trouble in his hind end his arthritis up front has not even been noticeable! I should start a database of seasonal issues for the big guy so we can keep them straight and keep him healthy and sound....Lordsy Mercy!

Happy Trails,