November 16, 2008

Gator Girl...

Some will tell you that weekends are for relaxing, but you won't hear that around these parts! Our weekends are for catching up on projects around the farm, and NOBODY escapes without pitching in...not even our precious Little see, she has a Gator....and we don', while the makers of this handy little toddler toy might have had fun and games in mind when they developed this little machine, Mommy and Daddy have other plans....plans that include breaking child labor laws and putting the Little Brat to work helping to get the job, the job is cleaning up old wood around the place....
Here she comes now....all loaded up with pint size wood debris to load up on the trailer!

She's coming from the paddock behind the barns, where we recently took down some old fencing and replaced it with purty new boards....

Mommy did put down the camera long enough to help the LB out and toss all those boards with nails in them into the trailer...don't need any injuries making us unproductive! There's work to do dadgumit! Little Brat knows the routine.....
Step 1: Put the tailgate down...

Step 2: Grab the offending wood debris......(Notice LB with Mommy's sweater on....notice LB's jacket on the front seat of her Gator....Why is it that a Mommy's light sweater always seems to be warmer than her winter jacket? I don't think it is...I just think she likes to see Mommy shiver!)

Step 3: Toss said offending wood debris into the trailer...

And do it all again! Thanks for the hand LB!

Happy Trails,
