November 06, 2008

The Gym Chronicles: YOGA ROCKS!

Wait a could have possibly read that header wrong....When I say Yoga Rocks, I am not meaning that Yoga is the greatest most fantabulous thing ever...although it could IS crazy cool....But what I was TRYING to say is that WE ARE YOGA in we STINK! We are hopeless! We are big, fat, tight, weak, old, slow, wannabes! Like THESE kind of rocks...

Not like this chick, who totally ROCKS! Go Locust Girl! That's what that position is called for you totally UNcool NONyoga people out there...They name all the positions of Yoga, don't ya know?

This position is "man-in-a-world-of-hurt"....also known as "extreme-pretzel-boy"....or "owey-i-want-my-mommy".....

Our first Yoga experience was eye-opening to say the least! Much more physically challenging than we were expecting! Our Pilates instructor placed more emphasis on stretching and caused me to experience much envy over her super-human flexibility. Our Yoga instructor focused more on strength and mental calming, causing me to experience much envy over her freakish monster strength and complete emotional tranquility....I know, I don't understand it all myself either....But we are hooked! If we can even get halfway to the place where our instructors are now, we'll be satisfied....the bending, stretching, core strengthening, and yes, even the meditation are just what the doctor ordered! Who doesn't need a little quiet time? I am just glad JR was there to help me out of some of those real freaky deaky positions...Thanks hon! Here is JR coming to my rescue...whata guy!
To top off the uber sweet night of mental and physical growth, Little Brat was a perfect angel and had a great time in the Kid Zone....she is constantly asking when we are going back again, so I think she's really enjoying this family adventure as much as her Daddy and I are! She even gets to change into her "Gym" clothes after school like Mommy and Daddy do, which really makes her feel like part of the team....I expect to find her, Spongebob water bottle in hand, each and every morning as we leave for school/work until she gets to go again! 3 days a week may not be enough for the munchkin, but I can tell you that is all Mommy and Daddy are able to handle!
Happy Trails!