One of my good friends, Dave Rhoades, is a photographer out in California and is now publishing calendars like the one above for public purchase....he has many lovely backgrounds to chose from...what a wonderful and beautiful way to enjoy the passing of each day! Please visit his website if you are interested in getting one of these gorgeous calendars for yourself or even someone else! They make great gifts to ring in the New Year.....
Well, I wonder if your New Years was more exciting than wouldn't take much to be! I am battling my annual winter cold and cough, so the Little Brat and I hit the rack at about 9pm for our beauty rest....JR stayed up flipping thru channels.....last year we stayed up together watching the Twilight Zone could be my single most favorite run on TV all year long, but this year I just wasn't up to it...
I made a few resolutions last year, and followed thru on MOST of them....OK, SOME of this year I am scaling back and starting small so I can do a better job of reaching all my goals....we'll see how it goes! I'd share them with you, but then you'd hold me to them, and I can't have be having that! I am feeling particularly non-committal this year, and I need my space to ebb and flow as necessary ;)
Happy Trails in 2009,
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