September 07, 2008

A Boy...and a Tractor.

There is something so special about a man at work on his tractor. It's all about synergy. It's a beautiful thing! Even more special, is when a man passes down to his son or daughter, the knowledge and ability to work a tractor. A sort of passing of the torch, so to say. My husband isn't one to let just anybody aboard his prize possession. So, to see him so willingly put our oldest brats at the wheel just makes me all warm and fuzzy inside....

And then to see the brats actually LISTEN and's just.....just.....nice. It's real nice. I guess I'm not so good with fancy adjectives, but I'm sure you get the point.

Here he comes!

All on his lonesome.....

On a mission.....

Maybe I should move outa his way now.

Happy Trails!
