June 21, 2009

Yet another Fairy expedition....

Randi and I are big Fairy fanatics....this weekend, Maymont Mansion had a really neat Fairy Chase, so we just HAD to go and check it out!
The drive down to Richmond was a bit hectic....there was an accident on the main highway that forced us on to an alternate road for part of the trip....the thing about old cars, 72' Beetles to be exact, is that they don't have air conditioning....it is a small detail that I can normally put out of my mind if traveling at speeds that keeps the wind blowing thru the open windows....Today, however, there was no such breeze....bumper to bumper traffic is HOT....very, very, very, very, very HOT! We made it tho..only after arriving at the wrong gate and also 30 minutes late....Lady luck was on our side, the event leaders were running a bit behind too! See? Always a silver lining!
So we perched our parched booties under the trees and listened to some great Fairy Tale stories...
We learned all about what Fairies like to do, and sure-tell signs that you may have Fairies around you! See here? This is a Fairy climbing device fashioned to help the the whimsical little fellas up into the trees!
We also learned about how to spot Fairy rings...mushrooms or petals or sticks in a circle where Fairies have surely been congregating..they are social little critters, we're told!

We also learned how to make special wishes....there's a protocol, ya know?! Randi was none too happy when she followed said protocol, but despite her best attempts Cheetah's failed to appear, ...Yes, Cheetah's....???

Here she is summoning all her magical Fairy powers for the illusive Cheetahs...

Who knew Fairies liked cupcakes and lemonade too!?!
Our most favorite Fairy fantabulous activity was the scavenger hunt....we looked high and low all over the place for signs of Fairies...picking up treasures along the way that we could use to build our own Fairy Mecca!

Poor nekked Fairies...we were told they must have been flying thru these bushes and lost their clothes! No worries tho, we gathered up the threads and will have them waiting for them if they want to come visit the Fairy mansion we are going to build for them....
We even gathered moss from around this gazebo to make into Fairy house carpet!

It was a great time...we stopped for ice cream on the way out to try and cool off just a touch before the long hot ride home....turns out the traffic Gods were with us on our return tho....lots of breeze to keep us cool! Well, maybe not cool, but definitely not as hot as the ride down either!
Happy Fairy Tales!


Colton said...

LOL cute! :-)