October 20, 2008

Monster Eyeballs!!!!!

Littlest Brat is no scaredy cat...she loves the scary movies and has no fears of the dark...there are times, however, when even the bravest of dear little pumpkin bums gets a fright.....this was one of those times...

Exhibit #1. Monster Eyeballs...

Little Brat had to go potty one dark and dreary night....she asked if I would go turn on the light for her...If I were sleeping, she would not have asked, but since I wasn't I got up and helped a girlfriend out...

Little brat led the way...as we entered the bathroom, she hesitated, looking up to the top of the Armoire, but not saying a word....I would not have even noticed her pause the next day had it not been for the following conversation...

  • Me: Here's the light baby girl.....now go potty.

  • LB: Thank you mommy (pause, looking up at armoire)

  • Me: What are you looking at baby?

  • LB: Nothing mommy...(walking to the potty)

  • Me: Yes you were, what was it? (hint of desperation...the house IS almost 200 yrs old....and kids DO seem to be more capable of seeing ghosts and all)

  • LB: I thought those were monster eyeballs, mommy...but it's just toilet paper.
I guess in the dark of the night and before I turned on the light, she could very well have imagined they belonged to a big scary baby eating bathroom troll! Here's a shot from her perspective...now picture it in the dead of night.....ooohhhhhhhhhh, SCARY!!!!

That's good for a giggle every time I look at that stack of toilet paper now....

Happy Trails,


Weishuhn Family said...

That is to funny!!!! Watch out for the toilet paper!