Exhibit #1. Monster Eyeballs...
Little Brat had to go potty one dark and dreary night....she asked if I would go turn on the light for her...If I were sleeping, she would not have asked, but since I wasn't I got up and helped a girlfriend out...
Little brat led the way...as we entered the bathroom, she hesitated, looking up to the top of the Armoire, but not saying a word....I would not have even noticed her pause the next day had it not been for the following conversation...
- Me: Here's the light baby girl.....now go potty.
- LB: Thank you mommy (pause, looking up at armoire)
- Me: What are you looking at baby?
- LB: Nothing mommy...(walking to the potty)
- Me: Yes you were, what was it? (hint of desperation...the house IS almost 200 yrs old....and kids DO seem to be more capable of seeing ghosts and all)
- LB: I thought those were monster eyeballs, mommy...but it's just toilet paper.
That's good for a giggle every time I look at that stack of toilet paper now....
Happy Trails,
That is to funny!!!! Watch out for the toilet paper!
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