October 14, 2008

You've been married HOW LONG???

Gma and Gpa Diggins celebrated their 63rd wedding anniversary this week...no, that is NOT a typo! 63 years and counting! THAT is something to be proud of....a remarkable feat this day and age. When you hear statistics like 50% of marriages fail in the US, you can get a bit cynical about life and love...YOU are an inspiration to me tho...and now I know, deep down in my ever loving and sometimes nagging heart, that if Gpa can put up with Gma for that long, then JR can put up with me too :) Love you Granny! hehe
Gpa golfed in a tournament this week as well. Finished in the winner seat! That means he came in FIRST PLACE....Number ONE! The rest of the competition was at least 15 yrs his Junior. Go Gpa! You are a STUD!
Normally, Gma can be found volunteering at the local hospital, but recently had a knock down drag out battle with a cluster headache. With Gpa's support, she lives to tell the tale, and she kicked those big mean cluster butts good! She's a fiesty one...don't cross her, or your likely to come back one limb short! Hugs to you Granny! hehe
May I be as ornery and healthy at their grand age, and with near as many married years under my belt...
Cheers to you Gma and Gpa! See you at Thanksgiving, Randi can't wait!